Sunday, 18 August 2013

E cig regulation

Dozens of countries are introducing legislation restricting the use of electronic cigarettes, but their proponents say they are harmless and their use could in fact save millions of lives. Could they be right? Mexico, Brazil and Singapore are the start of full bans being unleashed on, while tobacco sales are still available in all three countries.

This theme is growing, and while some countries may not outright ban e cigs, they are certainly pushing to regulate them hard, and many think this is unfair. Protests are being held in Brussels next week against legislation being drafted by the European Union. This legislation, while mostly for proper content labels and under-age consumption can still threaten the availability to use these devices in public and this is what is drawing concerns to vapers the world over. With e cigs being safe, what is motivating all of this legislation? and with big tobacco now getting on board with e cig sales in the USA, how will they be able to lobby such legislation in the United States?

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