So how could you possibly use E cigarettes as an alternative to
smoking? There are many reasons why using e cigs as an alternative to
smoking can be beneficial. You have lots of reasons for wanting to use e
cigs as an alternative to smoking: The fact that it will make you die
at a younger age than you would normally is the big one, the ever
increasing prices of a pack of cigarettes must surely have given you
food for thought too, and in these times you live in you must be
beginning to feel like an outcast as you are forced out of buildings and
more and more public places if you want to light up. What about the
coughing fits that arrive each morning, or the breathlessness after
climbing a flight of stairs?
Perhaps you have already tried to take cigarettes out of your life,
may be tried more than once, A New Year’s Resolution perhaps? It is a
lot harder than it sounds for very many people. Using willpower alone
does not work for the majority of smokers and all the nicotine patches,
plastic inhalers and chewing gum that get consumed each year, while they
certainly do help some people, for others it is simply not enough. It
is hard to replace certain aspects of smoking with nicotine replacement
therapy only. Like having a smoke with a cup of coffee or a beer in the
bar, or having a cigarette after a good meal. And if you find yourself
missing all those things, it becomes a lot easier to fall off the wagon
and start up again.
Is there any way of keeping the best bits of smoking (and they are
there, or you wouldn’t have started!) without having to put up with all
of the nasty side effects? It turns out there is, one that many smokers
are turning to as an aid, – the electronic cigarette.
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